That Park Place is an intentionally-independent and opinionated news site covering most topics that should be fun. That Park Place is not affiliated professionally, nor the beneficiary, of any quid pro quo benefits from the subjects of our articles except in cases in which other commentators or third party collegial publications may be included as a primary subject. Opinions of our authors are their own and do not reflect the opinions of That Park Place, its affiliates, our sponsors, or advertisers on the site.
Domain Name
Display Title
That Park Place
Website Grade
Website Grade Feedback
- Full custom domain
- RSS Feed exists
- No paywall
- Website UI/UX is poor
- Website Accessibility is poor
- SEO is a failure -- every (Google) search result brought us to the homepage instead of the article we were interested in reading. In order to find the article it had to be searched via the website's search feature.
- RSS Feed is terrible: only teasers; articles uses too many tags per article (3-5 tags / article is ideal)
- Reporting deliberately leaves key information out of articles